Featured Courses

Cultural Competence & Preventing Health Disparities

Health disparities are an ongoing issue in the American healthcare system. These health disparities often occur because systematic barriers make accessing health care more difficult for some groups. This program looks at the social determinants of health and some ways culture affects health beliefs. The goal of this training is to expose the learner to these ideas and tools to prevent health disparities.

This course is approved by the Oregon Health Authority’s Office of Equity and Inclusion as an educational training all health care professionals.

Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians All Healthcare Professionals (No CME, ACPE, or OBMI/ARRT)

Dental Professionals Oregon Board of Medical Imaging Continuing Medical Education (CME)

HIV Prevention: Pharmacist Prescribed PrEP and PEP

Pharmacists are positioned to play a critical role in shifting who has access to tools for HIV prevention by making HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) and HIV Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) more visible and accessible to those who stand to benefit most.

This course is available for any pharmacist or pharmacy technician, but some states have their own version to include state specific resources and protocols. Please check for the correct course before registering.


Pharmacists Illinois Pharmacists Oregon Pharmacists

Pharmacy Technicians

Pharmacy Technicians Illinois Pharmacy Technicians Oregon Pharmacy Technicians 

Contraceptive Prescribing Education by State

Pharmacists are now in the position to improve access by starting or continuing a patient on any form  of hormonal contraception.

This training program has received significant support and guidance from several OBGYN members of ACOG. It is specifically designed to give pharmacists the tools needed to be confident and successful in prescribing and monitoring self-administered hormonal contraception and utilizing the Self-screening Risk Assessment and Contraceptive Assessment Treatment Care Pathway, each based on the US MEC. The training thoroughly educates the pharmacist in all FDA-approved methods of contraceptives, emergency contraceptives, contraindications, drug interactions, contraceptive counseling, and when to refer patients to medical providers.

Registration available for the following states:
Alaska  Arizona  Arkansas  California  Colorado Delaware  Hawaii  Idaho  Illinois  Indiana  Maryland Massachusetts  Michigan  Minnesota  Montana  Nebraska Nevada  New Hampshire  New Jersey  New Mexico  New York Oregon  South Carolina  South Dakota  Tennessee  Utah  Vermont Virginia  Washington  West Virginia  Wisconsin  Wyoming

Tobacco Cessation Education & Training

In Oregon, more than 6 out of 10 people who smoke cigarettes want to quit. Most people who smoke have attempted to quit in the past year. Smoking is the leading cause of death and disease in Oregon, killing 8,000 people every year.

The course is uniquely designed to educate the Oregon pharmacist on assessing and prescribing tobacco cessation medications.

The Oregon Health Authority- Public Health Division (OHA-PHD) and the Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention Section (HPCDP) collaborated with the Oregon State University of Pharmacy to train pharmacists to treat nicotine addiction.

Comprehensive Pharmacist Patient Assessment, Prescribing, and Billing for Oregon's Tobacco Cessation Implementation

Patient Safety, Pharmacy Law, & Emergency Preparedness

Patient Safety & Medication Error Prevention for Pharmacy

Patient safety is the top priority in all pharmacy settings, with medication errors being the major contributing risk factor. New technology, reduction in workforce, and new medications mean the opportunity for error remains a major obstacle to overall patient safety. Medication error reduction will reduce risk, improve job satisfaction, lower expenses, improve your pharmacy's reputation, and most importantly, improve patient safety.

Emergency Preparedness, Response, and the Role of the Oregon Pharmacist

This continuing education course provides pharmacists with valuable background on preparedness and emergency response. It reviews simple strategies to keep family members safe and maintain critical pharmacy operations at work during public health emergencies. The course reviews the legal framework for pharmacy emergency response in Oregon and describes specific activities through which pharmacists can meet the pharmaceutical needs of their communities during public health incidents.

Pharmacist Technician Courses

HIV Prevention for Pharmacy Technicians: Pharmacist Prescribed PrEP and PEP

Pharmacy Technicians Illinois Pharmacy Technicians Oregon Pharmacy Technicians

Pharmacists and technicians play a vital role in reducing the number of new HIV diagnoses by making PrEP and PEP more visible and equitably accessible at pharmacies, and by providing care that is trauma-informed and culturally aware.

This course is available for any pharmacy technician, but some states have their own version to include state specific resources and protocols. Please check for the correct course before registering.

Cultural Competence & Preventing Health Disparities

Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians

Health disparities are an ongoing issue in the American healthcare system. These health disparities often occur because there are systematic barriers that make accessing health care more difficult for some groups. This program will look at the social determinants of health and some of the ways that culture can affect health beliefs. Also, this program introduces the concept of cultural competence as a process to improve patient interactions. The goal of this training is to expose the learner to these ideas and tools to prevent health disparities.

This course is approved by the Oregon Health Authority’s Office of Equity and Inclusion as an educational training all health care professionals

Patient Safety and Medication Error Prevention

Patient Safety

Patient safety is the top priority in all pharmacy settings, with medication errors being the major contributing risk factor. New technology, reduction in workforce, and new medications mean the opportunity for error remains a major obstacle to overall patient safety. Medication error reduction will reduce risk, improve job satisfaction, lower expenses, improve your pharmacy's reputation, and most importantly, improve patient safety.

Medical Billing

Successful Implementation of Patient Assessment & Proper Billing

Topics covered in this course provide an overview of the healthcare payer environment in the United States, recognize how Medicaid is administered, credentialing/enrollment and billing mechanics utilized to build a pharmacist prescribing and reimbursement model, and the fundamentals of medical billing including HCPS, CPT and ICD10 codes.

Pharmacist Medical Billing Toolkit

Pharmacists are expanding beyond the traditional dispensing model and moving to new workflow models that are revolutionizing pharmacy practice. The Pharmacist Medical Billing Toolkit provides pharmacists with the knowledge to receive reimbursement for clinical services. This course will provide pharmacists with the understanding of the steps to medically bill, including identifying services, strategies for implementation, credentialing and contracting/enrollment, setting up the ability to bill and complete training, documenting and submitting medical claims, and revenue cycle management.

Oregon Pharmacist Courses

Courses for pharmacists registered in Oregon.

HIV Prevention: Pharmacist Prescribed PrEP and PEP

Pharmacists and technicians play a vital role in reducing the number of new HIV diagnoses by making PrEP and PEP more visible and equitably accessible at pharmacies, and by providing care that is trauma-informed and culturally aware.

Comprehensive Pharmacist Patient Assessment, Prescribing, and Billing for Oregon's Tobacco Cessation Implementation

This course is designed to educate the Oregon pharmacist on assessing and prescribing tobacco cessation medications based solely upon the Oregon Board of Pharmacy’s Public Health and Pharmacy Formulary Advisory Committee guidelines.

Contraceptive Education for the Oregon Pharmacist

Women’s access to oral and transdermal contraceptives continues to expand throughout the United State by allowing pharmacists to prescribe hormonal contraceptives. This course prepares pharmacists to take on the duty of prescribing hormonal birth control.

Pharmacist Medical Billing Toolkit

Pharmacists are expanding beyond the traditional dispensing model and moving to new workflow models that are revolutionizing pharmacy practice. The Pharmacist Medical Billing Toolkit provides pharmacists with the knowledge to receive reimbursement for clinical services. This course will provide pharmacists with an understanding of the steps to medically bill, including identifying services, strategies for implementation, credentialing, contracting/enrollment, setting up the ability to bill and complete training, documenting and submitting medical claims, and revenue cycle management. 

Successful Implementation of Patient Assessment & Proper Billing

This program is based on the billing components and processing construct built in the State of Oregon. The billing mechanics presented here place the pharmacist’s clinical assessments in the same category as other medical practitioners who assess patients. Therefore, pharmacists be fully trained on the elements that must be present when utilizing billing codes.

Emergency Preparedness, Response, and the Role of the Oregon Pharmacist

This continuing education course reviews simple strategies to maintain critical pharmacy operations during public health emergencies. The course reviews the legal framework for pharmacy emergency response in Oregon and describes specific activities pharmacists can take to meet the pharmaceutical needs of their communities during public health incidents.


These programs have been planned and implemented in accordance with the policies of the Accreditation Council on Pharmacy Education by the Oregon State University College of Pharmacy. The OSU College of Pharmacy is approved by the Accreditation Council on Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education.