Frequently Asked Questions

When does the EAP application open and close?

For the 2025-2026 co-hort: Applications will open November 1, 2024 and close at midnight (PST) on May 1, 2025. Late applications will not be considered.  

Do I have to be enrolled in high school or college to apply?

Yes. You need to be enrolled to apply. You cannot apply the same year you are applying for a Pharm.D. program. The Early Assurance Program is geared towards students who have at least one year left of school coursework remaining before applying for a Pharm.D.  

Do I have to attend OSU if I am admitted to EAP?

No, you do not. You may attend any accredited institution, including community colleges, public, and private colleges/universities. You can also attend multiple colleges/universities while in EAP. Just keep your EAP advisor in the loop! 

If I am admitted to EAP, am I guaranteed admission to OSU's Pharm.D. program?

No, as an EAP participant, you are guaranteed an interview, not admission, to OSU’s Pharm.D. 

Are EAP student required to major in BioHealth Sciences with the Pre-Pharmacy option?

No, EAP students can choose any major. We recommend majors that are compatible with the required prerequisite coursework for pharmacy school. 

How important is pharmacy related experience on my EAP application?

Although it is not required, it is recommended that students interested in pursuing an education in pharmacy gain experience in the field. This is especially true for students interested in EAP. Health-related classes, job-shadowing, volunteering, working in a pharmacy and informational interviewing are some excellent ways to gain experience. If admitted to EAP, students will be required to gain healthcare-related experience prior to entering the Pharm.D. program.   

Do Honors/AP/IB classes help my application?

Doing well in rigorous high school courses is a beneficial asset to your EAP application. However, Honors/AP/IB courses are not required for admission to EAP. 

Are weighted GPA's considered?

No. Weighted GPAs are not considered as part of the EAP admission process. Admission is based off of the unweighted GPA. 


If you have more questions please reach out to our EAP Advisor Katee Keen at