
We are proud of our alumni and their many accomplishments. We hope you will keep us updated on all of life’s big moments! We enjoy hearing about new additions to the family, awards and honors you’ve received, and how you are enjoying retired life. Pictures are always welcome and make a great accompaniment for any news you would like us to share with our extensive alumni network through future editions of the BEAVERx.

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Be a part of the College of Pharmacy and mentor current pharmacy students! If you are interested in any of these groups or volunteering, please contact

Continue Learning

OSU College of Pharmacy is committed to the lifelong learning of our alumni. View our Online or Live CE programming or alumni MBA program.

Don’t Miss Out

Receive the BeaveRx alumni magazine, our BeaveRx News e-newsletter, invitations to events in your area, and other important information from the College of Pharmacy. Update your alumni record here.

Your Support Matters

Alumni are essential to the success of the College of Pharmacy. We appreciate your continued support, whether it’s through mentoring, enabling students to attend professional meetings, or providing financial assistance to our students and programs.